
Cobb’s new online tool shows better feed conversion ratio

The newest resource from Cobb Europe – an online tool designed for industry professionals across Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) – shows exactly how much a point-of-feed conversion is worth, with respect to changing feed cost and bird live weight

“With the expertise of the Cobb team, we developed this tool so that industry professionals can easily and quickly see the value of a point-of-feed conversion with a changing feed cost and dependent on their live weight. This calculator does not take into account whether the end product is either a live proceed or further processed product, but it looks at the live cost and how, depending on your feed cost and the bird’s live weight, a strategy for reducing feed input cost or maximising feed conversion is the best option,” said Matthew Wilson, sales and technical director for Cobb Europe.

Industry professionals in EMEA can visit cobbeurope.outgrow.us/1ptfcr to use the tool. They just need to enter data on feed processing, feed cost, and live weight, to instantly see how much annual value a point-of-feed conversion is worth.

Through the use of the latest real-time feed conversion ratio (FCR) technology, the Cobb500 broiler has the potential to achieve an optimum FCR at the best live cost depending on flock live weight and feed cost. 

The new tool complements additional resources for unlocking flock potential available on Cobb’s website.