
FAO and EPA partner to improve productivity of poultry industry

The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), and the Egyptian Poultry Association (EPA), has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to further their partnership and provide support to improve the performance of the poultry industry

The MOU aims to achieve the common goals of the two parties in the field through providing advanced and innovative technological services to the various production systems of the poultry industry and to promote action in order to achieve integrated approaches for sustainability

The MOU states that FAO and EPA can enhance cooperation in work areas of common interest, which might include inter-alia:

•The characterisation of the poultry production system and analysis of the sector on a regular basis.

•Development of integrated approaches to promote biosecurity measures along the poultry value chain using various digital communication tools.

•Exchange of information and facilitate technology transfer for effective control of poultry diseases with significant economic and public health impacts.

H.E Al-Sayed Al-Qusayr, minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, said, “The MOU comes as a new and important step towards achieving the goals of promoting the poultry industry in Egypt, and preserving this national industry by achieving advanced standards of biosecurity and combating animal diseases that affect poultry and can be transmitted to humans such as Avian Flu.”

Nasredin Hag Elamin, the FAO representative in Egypt, said, “This memorandum aims to provide a framework of cooperation with EPA in Egypt to promote common goals and objectives to achieve sustainability in food production for the Egyptian people, as it comes within the framework of FAO strategic goals. In particular, the fifth strategic goal on enhancing the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises and the first strategic goal on contributing to the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition.”

Mahmoud Mohamed Al-Anani, engineer and president of the Poultry Producers Association, said, “The agreement with FAO will feed into the plans and efforts aimed at developing work in the Association and protecting producers in all their forms for the purpose of developing the poultry industry in Egypt. As EPA seeks, through a systematic plan, to develop the performance of small breeder and improve their farms and their management methods, it also helps them obtain markets at an appropriate price to achieve self-sufficiency in the future.”