Airtel is spending US$672,000 to support a project to provide timely weather reports to small-scale farmers in Uganda
Satellite data to help Ugandan smallholder farmers
The Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA) has launched a US$4.96mn project in Uganda to benefit more than 350,000 smallholder farmers
Electronic system to check fake agro products in Uganda
Uganda’s government plans to unveil an electronic system that will enable farmers determine if their agricultural inputs are genuine or counterfeits at the point of sale
Online trading platform for commodities in Ethiopia
Ethiopia Commodity Exchange (ECX) has inaugurated its online trading platform, simply called eTRADE Platform
Tanzania gets new fertiliser terminal through Norfund
The Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries (Norfund) has completed and launched a new US$13mn fertiliser terminal at Tanzania’s port of Dar es Salaam