
Strohmatic light 80 for automatic distribution of organic enrichment in pig stables

Schauer Agrotronic has introduced the Strohmatic light 80 - the innovation of the year for littering and automatic, inexpensive distribution of organic enrichment in pig stables

Offering the pigs organic activity material for enrichment is the order of the day. Either it is to fulfill legal requirements or simply to implement more animal welfare in pig farming.

Normally, this can only be achieved with increased working time. The Strohmatic straw distribution system or the Spotmix Welfare have already been used successfully for larger farms to chop and distribute straw automatically. With the new development Strohmatic light, it is possible to loosen up straw that has already been mulched from the field and packed into large bales.

Strohmatic light distributes it to the barn’s desired discharge points using a chain system with 80 mm or 200 mm diameter depending on the desired quantity. Schauer also has a solution for dedusting the straw, for which a patent has been applied.

With the Strohmatic light 80, depending on the system’s total length, up to 40 distribution points can be supplied with chopped straw with a fibre length of up to 80 mm via storage boxes with a volume of 15 litres each. Depending on the number of litter intervals, the straw can be used as activity material for enrichment or as litter for the lying area.

Only the mulched straw in the bale loosener has to be refilled with the tractor or telescopic loader. The distribution of straw takes place automatically and time-controlled, thus saving the farmer one to two hours of working time every day, depending on the size of the plant.

Schauer Agrotronic - product innovations for Eurotier 2021.