
EU supports water development projects in Sudan

Jean-Michel DUMOND, head of the European Union (EU) delegation to Sudan, has confirmed the EU’s commitment to support better access to drinking water for the Sudanese population

Access to safe drinking water is a fundamental right but remains a challenge in many parts of the world. Around 2.1bn people across the globe lack access to drinking water and 340,000 children under the age of five die annually from unsafe drinking water and diarrhoea due to poor sanitation.

Sudan faces ecological hazards such as water scarcity and desertification. As the global population increases and human development advances, the demand for water increases, but availability remains limited.  Access to water is a burden in many parts of Sudan as many women and children still have to walk kilometres in severe weather conditions to access drinking water sources.

The EU support to the water sector in Sudan amounts to US$39602815. This funding covers projects that contribute to improving access to safe water, promoting natural resources management to achieve sustainable water use, water efficiency and the safeguarding of water ecosystems.

The projects include:

· The second phase of “Wadi El Ku Integrated Catchment Management Project in North Darfur,” implemented by the UN Environment and Practical Action. The project will directly support more than 80,000 farming families and provide benefits to around 700,000 people living near the Wadi or depending on its water for their livelihoods.

· The second phase of “Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Livelihoods in East Darfur,” implemented by UNOPS, the UN Environment and ZOA. The project will directly support 38,000 people, with additional 35,000 pastoralists benefiting from conflict-free corridors and improved rangelands.

· The “Integrated improvement of household food security in Gedarif, Kassala and Red Sea States,” implemented by ‘AQUA4SUDAN’ partnership which is led by ZOA. The project will improve the livelihood of 120,000 people in the Eastern Region by developing more water resources and managing them in an integrated manner.