Spain in West Africa agriculture trade mission

A delegation of Spanish agricultural and livestock equipment manufacturers will visit West Africa

Backed by AGRAGEX, the association of Spanish manufacturers and exporters, the delegation will travel to Senegal and Nigeria from 15-20 June 2015, with the aim of promoting trade and settling long-term relations with local importers.

AGRAGEX is comprised of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) operating across a variety of agribusiness sub-sectors, such as agricultural machinery and its components, greenhouses and crop protection, irrigation systems, livestock equipment, nutrition and animal health, forestry machinery, biomass and post-harvesting equipment.

Farming is a key industry in both Senegal and Nigeria, where around 70 per cent of the workforce is reliant on the agricultural sector.

Much of Senegal lies in the drought-prone Sahel region and, with only five per cent of the land irrigated, a reliance on irregular rainfall for agricultural cultivation causes erratic fluctuations in production levels.

The country is therefore an attractive market for irrigation specialists such as delegation members Irritec, RKD and Raesa.