The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) will be presenting its first sustainable bonds impact report at the London Stock Exchange on 21 November 2023
Agri-food leaders express optimism about industry’s ability to create sustainable food system, Alltech survey reveals
The Alltech Sustainability Insights report which released on 26 October revealed that agri-food leaders around the world held faith in the industry’s ability to work together to create a better, more sustainable food system
Boosting resilience of global avocado supply chains
Leading multinational supplier of avocados, Westfalia Fruit unveils their forward-looking approach to address the numerous challenges faced by industries worldwide
ICRISAT offers assistance to farmers in Niger and Chad amid Ukraine-Russia conflict
The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) has extended support to farmers in the Sahelian countries of Niger and Chad to boost food security amid the Ukraine-Russia conflict
SOCODEVI to empower women farmers from rural Ghana
SOCODEVI Ghana, a Canadian non-governmental organisation, has pledged its continuous support for the economic empowerment of rural women to help improve on their social lives and contribution to national development