The Nigerian minister of agriculture has said that his ministry is to enrol more than five million farmers in its Gross Enhancement Support (GES) programme
The Nigerian minister of agriculture has said that his ministry is to enrol more than five million farmers in its Gross Enhancement Support (GES) programme
The Swedish Co-operative Centre (SCC) has stated that Zambia could support poverty-stricken small-scale farmers if it ran its farms as a business venture
The African Development Bank (AfDB) has issued US$640,000 to Cameroons Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD) for the production of seven basic crop seeds to help boost agricultural production and productivity in the country
The National Food and Agriculture Show (FAGRO) plans to work alongside Africa’s smallholder farmers, with its aim being to transform the agriculture sector
Lonrho Agricultures Mozambique distributor, John Deere, has been affected by delayed tractor imports as well as other equipment arriving into the country causing shares in the company to fall