A coalition of multilateral development banks and development partners has pledged more than US$17bn in financing to address rising hunger on the African continent, and to improve food security
New Holland Agriculture wins three medals at 2001 SIMA Innovation and Edison Awards
New Holland Agriculture’s innovation in combine harvesting has been recognised with silver and a bronze medal at the SIMA Innovation awards
PAFO and AGRA to support smallholder farmers
The Pan-African Farmers Organisation (PAFO) and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) have partnered to strengthen the capacities of African farmers by supporting smallholder farmers, especially women and youth
Sweden partners with TechnoServe to support Zambia’s food Processors
International nonprofit TechnoServe has accepted funds worth US$36mn from Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) to support the implementation of the Food Enterprises for a Developed (FED) Zambia programme from 2020-2023
QSIT implements AI solution for Egyptian agriculture sector
Esri, a specialist in location intelligence, has announced that Egyptian partner Quality Standards for Information Technology (QSIT) has implemented the crop mapping and field boundary detection solution for the Agricultural Research Centre (ARC) in Egypt