
Aquapesca expands agribusiness in Mozambique

French fish farming company Aquapesca has announced it has expanded its operations in Mozambique by building a sea food farming plant in Nacala in the northern part of the country following a US$57mn investment

In 2010 Aquapesca shipped 200 tonnes of shrimp to the European Union and in 2013 it exported an estimated 25 tonnes of clams to the Japanese market and this year expects to sell more than 100 tonnes of shelled clams to that market, it said. 

“In this new clam production line the company now works with four species, the others being tiger prawns, “giga” or Japanese oysters and freshwater tilapia fish, following investment of just over US$57mn,” said Aquapesca laboratory technician Sidónio Juda Chan.

Aquapesca Limited currently operates fish farming plants in Zambezia province in central Mozambique where it produces shrimp and crab which are sold in new markets across the United States and China.

Annual fishing production in the country currently reaches 160,000 tonnes and 86 per cent is from artisanal fishing mainly from the provinces of Sofala, Zambezia and Nampula, Aquapesca revealed.