
Kenyan government invests US$2.2mn in fish ponds

The Kenyan government has invested US$2.2mn in the construction of 940 fish ponds in secondary schools across 47 counties in Kenya

Each county will create 20 fish ponds at a cost of US$2,400 each to encourage fish consumption in their regions, the government revealed.

According to Kenyan officials, the cash will also be spent buying liners, fingerlings and feeds for the first six months, while students from selected schools will be trained on modern fish farming skills.

The government has already constructed four fish mini-processing plants in Tetu in Nyeri County, Imenti in Meru County, Rongo in Migori County and in Kakamega County.

Five years ago, the Kenyan government launched the Economic Stimulus Programme (ESP) to boost fish programmes in the country.

Under the programme, fish production has increased from four tonnes in 2009 to more than 50,000 tonnes last year, the government said.

A reported US$14mn was spent to construct fish ponds in more than 140 constituencies.

Among its targets were investment in long–term solutions to the challenges of food security and expanding economic opportunities in rural areas for employment creation.

Mwangi Mumero