
Namibian farmers welcome decision to lift cattle breeding export ban

The Namibia Agricultural Union (NAU) and the Namibia National Farmers Union have praised the Nambian Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry for lifting a ban on breeding domestic livestock abroad

The lifting of the ban to SADC countries was decided following a recent drought and will enable farmers to export more than five animals a year to be used for breeding.

NAU executive director Sakkie Coetzee stated that the NAU is waiting for the Namibian government’s response for a call to defer the 30 per cent levy on all livestock weighing more than 450kg during the drought period.

"Currently Meatco and all other major abattoirs have enough animals for slaughter, but farmers are struggling to sell their larger animals," said Coetzee.

Farmers would need to find suitable buyers in countries such as Angola, DR Congo and Congo (Brazaville), according to Coetzee.

Coetzee has urged farmers to check that they have the correct amount in their bank accounts when carrying out the necessary transactions.

“Infrastructure and logistics would be the greatest headaches,” he added.