
Cattle disease hits Zambia’s beef production levels

The Zambia National Farmers Union (ZNFU) has revealed that Zambia’s beef production has been affected by disease outbreaks

Emmanuel Mwamba, Western Province permanent secretary, has urged the country to fight livestock diseases as it plans to increase the cattle population and supply the region.

“Currently the demand for both choice and standard beef is outstripping the country’s capacity to supply," said Mwamba.

"This is reflected with the requests for importation approval from the bigger companies both for the importation of choice carcasses and standard meat for processing in 2010/2011."

Zambia's cattle population amounts to three million animals with 20.3mn deemed suitable for livestock grazing.

Mwamba also stated in an interview that the Zambian government is implementing livestock disease management in the Western province.

“The livestock industry was neglected and we want to ensure that we revive the livestock services such as deep tank and constant vaccinations," he said.

“This will enable the lifting of the ban on cattle movement from Western Province."