

Researchers from the Royal Veterinary College in the UK and Kafrelsheikh University in Egypt look at brucellosis in Egypt, its prevalence, risk factors and livestock owners knowledge, attitudes and practices

p>Researchers from the Royal Veterinary College in the UK and Kafrelsheikh University in Egypt look at brucellosis in Egypt, its prevalence, risk factors and livestock owners knowledge, attitudes and practices

AT A RECENT Ol Kalou Agricultural Fair, in Kenya’s Highlands, one stand elicited much interest to the local farming community. A recently introduced German dual purpose breed Fleckvieh became a darling of local dairy farmers.They have been seeking information on how they can introduce it to their herds.

Zambias smallholder dairy sector is benefitting from a technical assistance programme provided by Land OLakes. Nawa Mutumweno reports SMALLHOLDER DAIRY FARMERS, producer groups and processors in Zambia have benefitted from technical assistance provided by Land O’Lakes since 2002.

p>Zambias smallholder dairy sector is benefitting from a technical assistance programme provided by Land OLakes. Nawa Mutumweno reports SMALLHOLDER DAIRY FARMERS, producer groups and processors in Zambia have benefitted from technical assistance provided by Land O’Lakes since 2002.