Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa quashes ban report that government had imposed a ban on quail bird farming by locals for commercial purposes
Illegal fishing threatens livelihoods in West Africa
Overfishing by foreign vessels is driving many species towards extinction and destroying the livelihoods of fishing communities in countries such as Ghana, Liberia and Mauritania, said the London-based Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
Nigeria looks to boost local fish production
The Nigerian government plans to boost local production of species, in an attempt to reduce the import of fish
Mosquitoes avoid feeding on poultry, study finds
Scientists have shown that malaria-transmitting mosquitoes actively avoid feeding on certain animal species such as poultry using smell
Namibia first African country to export beef to the US
A final ruling from the US Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has approved the importation of boneless meat and other beef products from Namibia, making the country the first African nation to be approved for beef export to the US