
Arbor Acres highlights broiler breeder farm potential in South Africa

The performance and genetic potential of the Arbor Acres Plus breeder and broiler in the local market was discussed at a recent customer roadshow set up by Arbor Acres in South Africa

The event welcomed 75 people across different industries including hatchery and broiler managers from Chubby Chick Breeder, Supreme Breeder, Sovereign Foods Breeder and Botswana Breeders.

Addressing attendees Aviagen’s Mohsen Ganjaei, technical services manager for Arbor Acres in the Middle East and Africa, explored ways to increase chick numbers with good production persistency.

Eddie van Lierde, incubation specialist, also took to the floor to demonstrate why it is important to keep your broiler eggs and chicks comfortable.

"We were delighted that so many PS customers attended the roadshow and that we were able to provide useful and relevant insights and technical knowledge to support them. This meeting tackled some difficult topics but also showed the levels of flock performance that is possible with the Arbor Acres birds," stated Mohsen Ganjaei.

"The key theme throughout was that modern genetics require modern management and I believe our customers found this very useful."