
International Egg Foundation launched to help combat malnutrition

A new charitable organisation, the International Egg Foundation (IEF), has been launched by the International Egg Commission (IEC) during the IEC Business Conference Vienna 2014

According to the IEC, the new global foundation will help provide people living in developing countries with greater access to eggs as part of its goal to combat malnutrition and provide people who are underfed and undernourished with access to a sustainable diet.  

Figures produced by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) show that 870mn people suffer from chronic hunger. Among children, it is estimated that 171mn under five years of age are chronically malnourished.

Bart Jan Krouwel, chairman of the IEC, said, “A lack of access to high quality protein is a major problem for many people living in developing countries. As FAO figures show, malnutrition is a major issue globally; millions of people are suffering.  Eggs are an excellent source of high-quality protein - they contain all the essential vitamins and minerals required for a healthy diet.

“Eggs also have two key advantages when it comes to helping to improve diets in developing countries, they are one of the most accessible forms of high quality protein, and they have a low carbon footprint, making them a truly sustainable option,” he added.  

The IEF will work with leading charitable organisations, universities, and leading egg businesses around the world to provide financial support and technical advice to increase egg production in developing countries, the IEC said.

The IEF will also work to enable farmers and entrepreneurs in developing regions increase their own local egg production, the IEC added.