
Scale Up: Novus' new broiler-focused programme to enhance financial success

Novus International on 28 August debuted a new Scale Up programme focused on improving meat production and carcass quality through sustainably driven intelligent nutrition, thereby enhancing the financial success of broiler products

The programme’s strategies, which are customised to meet the farm’s goals, include MINTREX Zn Trace Mineral to support meat and carcass quality, MINTREX Cu Trace Mineral to support performance, and the REDUCE AND REPLACE strategy, which is shown to reduce the excretion of zinc (up to 37%), copper (up to 41%) and manganese (up to 35 %). 

Commercial and research trials have confirmed that these strategies indeed help in optimising the broiler bird performance by improving survivability, reducing the incidence of wooden breast and white striping, improving bone strength, supporting broiler performance under intestinal challenge, and reducing foot pad issues and skin scratches. 

Furthermore, the Scale Up programme offers technical support, laboratory analysis of feed, and access to NOVUS’ Xpert Link Network, which enables Novus customers to receive unique suggestions, recommendations, and insights from external partners. These include industry professionals from outside NOVUS posessing extensive knowledge and experience in areas including nutrition, management and feed manufacturing.

NOVUS Executive Technical Service Manager Bob Buresh, who works directly with poultry customers expressed his excitement regarding the programme, which he said underscored the company's long-term commitment to sustainably support the industry through results-driven programmes. “Through the Scale Up Programme for Broilers, we will continue to support our customers’ goals of achieving optimal performance and meat quality and yield in an environmentally sustainable manner,” said Buresh.

The programme which was launched in the US on 28 August will be avaialble for customers in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa later this year. 

For more information, visit: Novusint.com