
UN welcomes Italian contribution for emergency food assistance in Libya

This represents the second contribution made by Italy for WFP’s food assistance programme in Libya since 2016 

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has welcomed a contribution of US$1.16 million from the Government of Italy that will provide food assistance to tens of thousands of Libyans affected by the ongoing conflict since 2011.

“We thank Italy for this generous contribution to WFP’s emergency operation in Libya, which will help alleviate the suffering of people living in difficult conditions with little access to food and other life-saving assistance,” said Wagdi Othman, WFP Libya Country Director. 

This represents the second contribution made by Italy for WFP’s food assistance programme in Libya since 2016. WFP will use these funds to deliver food rations to almost 80,000 people in the country. Each ration provides a family of five with a one-month supply of rice, pasta, wheat flour, chickpeas, vegetable oil, sugar and tomato paste.

In 2017, WFP aims to reach 175,000 people in Libya affected by hunger and ongoing conflict. Priority is given to the most vulnerable people, particularly those who have been internally displaced, returnees and refugees, as well as households headed by unemployed women.

The humanitarian situation in Libya continues to deteriorate because of ongoing conflict and political and economic instability, all of which negatively affect families’ livelihoods and their ability to meet their basic needs, including food. As a result, people have resorted to measures such as cutting meals, taking children out of school, or cutting healthcare expenses.

WFP urgently requires US$9.5mn to continue providing vital food assistance to families in Libya for the next six months. While political instability and insecurity hinder WFP’s ability to operate in the country, the greatest challenge remains the lack of funding.