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7th Africa Sugar Conference adresses mechanisation of sugarcane farming

Annual Africa Sugar Conference held in Nairobi, Kenya from 4 -6 April brought together senior decision makers from the industry across the world and addressed the need and means of bring forth mechanisation in sugarcane farming

The two-day event brought together around 200 participants representing senior decision makers from government, industry bodies, millers, traders, advocacy groups and service providers from across the world. The delegates at the conference discussed the trade and investment opportunities in Africa’s sugar sector. The conference also invited top sugar producers from the region to speak about sustainability and corporate social responsibility.

Speakers at the event included Ian Allen, general manager of the agricultural division of Case IH distributor in Kenya, TTEA. He provided advice on the mechanisation of sugar cane farming, presented Case IH’s approach to supporting producers on their path to higher productivity and sustainability and introduced the brand’s new corporate farming division focused on offering large-scale operations with everything they need from a single source. Case IH was also the gold sponsor of the conference for the seventh year running.

Ian Allen explained how Case IH is able to support sugar cane farmers with the knowledge it has gained in 50 years of experience in this sector: “Case IH is the leader for technology and expertise. We offer a complete range that covers every phase of production, from cultivation equipment to sprayers and the most trusted sugar cane harvesters in the industry. Case IH has a dedicated Corporate Farming division with a professional team helping farmers with advice on mechanisation of all aspects of large-scale farming. Our specialist teams are available to support these customers with a full package of consultancy on machine selection for bush clearing, land preparation, seeding, harvesting and transport to the mill.”