
Samart Kasetyon unveils new sugar cane harvesting machine

Samart Kasetyon has with launched a new sugar cane harvesting machine, the SM-200 Giant, with the objective of taking on international markets

A development of the current SM-200, the new machine exhibits several new features, including an operator cabin that is European in design. Unlike many Asian OEM companies, Samart has recognised the advantage of providing the operator with an air conditioned and comfortable workspace. The European sourced cabin reduces operator noise levels substantially along with vibration. The operator also benefits from more ergonomic seating and adaptive controls.

“We are committed to this concept,” said Samart international manager Srinaul Leethiranon, “Internationally customers expect a high degree of comfort and as we are competing more and more on the international stage we will be providing European standard operating stations to ensure we fulfil their expectations.”

The SM-200 Giant is based on a half-track and the steering is via the front drive/steer wheels with a differential track system driving from the rear. The track is positioned under the cane hopper which maximises traction and carrying capacity while optimising ground pressure and reducing the need for extensive ground preparation for future cropping.

The high capacity hopper with fast automatic unloading system means extended operation cycles and rapid discharge of cut cane to transport. Fulfilling its own “in field” transport means that road trucks do not need to enter the field or follow the machine to unload, thus minimising plant (ratoon) damage.

Daily maintenance is also simplified by the integrated lubrication system which allows a single button operation to ensure that all critical lubrication points receive the correct dosage of lubricant, protecting the machine, ensuring efficient operation and safeguarding the customer’s investment.