Seed n Sow, a London-based startup, is empowering individuals to attain self-sufficiency with their organic, eco-friendly, non-GMO and pesticide-free vegetable and herb seeds
Improving lentils production in Ethiopia
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) has started a project to protect and improve lentil production in Ethiopia
Gropro and Ebda sign deal to develop a biological market in Egypt
GroPro Corp has signed a cooperation agreement with Demeter Egypt (Egyptian Biodynamic Association (EBDA) to joint marketing efforts for promoting biological inputs in Egypt and help local farmers get informed about biological inputs application and advantages
Date Palm plantations progresses to semi-commercial stage
Eriteas Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) is promoting date palm plantations in different parts of the country since 2003 and has distributed more than 20,000 seedlings
FAO and Finland come together for better monitoring of forest resources
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Finland signed an agreement to improve the capacity of countries in forest resources and data management, especially in Africa