A loan of US$89.4mn from the World Bank has been granted by the banks board of executive directors to help improve food security and increase farm productivity in Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia
P4P pilot urges Sudanese farmers to run farms as business venture
The UN World Food Programmes (WFP) strong food-purchasing power and logistics capacity has been attempting to enhance local agricultural production in order to benefit smallholder farmers in Sudan
Kenyan research institute secures US$100,000 for cassava research
Kenyan research organisation, BecA-ILRI, has been awarded US$100,000 funding to develop research on genetic resistance to cassava brown streak disease and cassava mosaic disease in Africa
Nigeria to set up 18 cassava processing industries
The Federal Government of Nigeria has announced plans to work with the private sector to set up 18 cassava industries across Nigeria, according to the President of the Nigeria Cassava Growers Association, Olusegun Adewunmi
Nigeria’s agriculture sector set to receive boost from investments
Nigeria’s agriculture sector is set to benefit from government reform plans and investments that will aim to stimulate growth within the production chain and create millions of jobs