Imo State government in Nigeria is seeking to re-launch the Avutu modern poultry farm situated in Obowo, local government area of Imo State
New Fish Trade programme aims to benefit African traders
A new and innovative programme has been launched in Africa that aims to improve the quality of life for small-scale fish traders in Africa, many of whom are women
Niger imports superior cattle breeds from South Africa
Niger has bought more than 72 different breeds of cattle, as well as 700 boar goats and doper sheep, from South African firm UCK Investments
Nigeria state government to revive poultry farm
The Nigerian state of Imo has announced that it will help revive the Avutu Modern Poultry farm in Obowo, currently in an abandoned state
FAO and IAEA joint research opens doors for African farmers
Scientists have cracked the genetic code of the bloodsucking tsetse fly, prompting hope that the breakthrough will help to control one of the most devastating livestock diseases in sub-Saharan Africa spread by the insect