Desmet Ballestra Group is the world leader in the field of tailor-made engineering and procurement services covering each step of the Oils & Fats industry, from oilseed preparation and extraction to oil processing plants including refining and fat modification processes
Bühler opens insect technology centre to support feed and food industries
Bühler Group, known for plant and equipment and related services for processing foods and manufacturing advanced materials is officially opening Insect Technology Center (ITC)
Research reveals majority agribiz do not share IoT data effectively
A research by Inmarsat, a global mobile satellite communications company, revealed that very few businesses derive maximum benefit from the IoT data that they gather
AfDB extends US$10mn grant to enhance climate information systems in Liberia
The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved a US$10mn grant from the Green Climate Fund, for which the bank is the accredited agency, to improve Liberia’s early warning weather systems
Plant-based material fabrics set to boom in collections
Fabrics made from plant-based materials are set to boom in collections for the autumn/winter 2022/23 season, according to Textiles Intelligence’s ‘Survey of the European fabric fairs for autumn/winter 2022/23’