When ploughing, furrow presses are mainly used if there is not enough time for the soil to settle gradually and tilth to form naturally
Machinery & Equipment
New Holland introduces methane-powered tractor to scale down carbon footprint
In an effort to minimise greenhouse emissions, New Holland Agriculture recently announced the T7 Methane Power LNG – the worlds first tractor powered entirely by cow dung
Pöttinger launches new versatile classic: BOSS 3000
Pöttinger is relaunching a versatile classic: The new BOSS 3000 series featuring the classic SUPERMATIC tine conveyor unit
PepsiCo partners with AgMission to accelerate adoption of regenerative ag research
PepsiCo, along with the AgMission initiative is seeking to enhance the resilience of farmers during extreme weather conditions by investing in regenerative and climate-smart practices
Casterra collaborates with world leading energy company to cultivate castor varieties for biofuel production
On 19 January, Casterra Ag Ltd., the integrated castor cultivation solution company and a subsidiary of Evogene Ltd. announced that it has entered into an agreement with one of the world’s leading energy companies, whereby Casterra will provide its unique castor varieties and its broad know-how in cultivation of castor at a commercial scale for biofuel production