

Developing Africas private sector through public and private partnerships is critical for the work of Brussels based NGO EMRC. In the run-up to the upcoming AgriBusiness Forum 2014 organised by EMRC and the Government of the DR Congo to be held from 26-29 October 2014 in Kinshasa DR Congo, we put a few questions to EMRC’s President Professor Monty Jones and Idit Miller EMRC’s vice president and managing director

Imagine 84mn ha of arable land, 230bcm of water and very clement weather all year round. Then imagine the same place with more than N1.3 trillion of food imports in a year, more than 50 per cent post-harvest waste and 40th of 56 positions on the global hunger index. This disconnect, on one hand is cause enough for alarm and on the other a call to opportunity in Africa

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