The Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) has seen its funding double from US$500mn in 2008 to US$1bn in 2013, the organisation announced
Aeroponics system can ‘produce pest-free seed yams’
The aeroponics technology can aid in successful production of seed yams that are pest-resistence, a study at Nigeria’s International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) has revealed
Rwanda expects to earn US$157 million from coffee exports
The Rwandan government has aimed to generate US$157mn profit by 2017 from coffee exports by advising farmers, processors and exporters to work together
Kenya launches US$275.7 million coffee productivity project
A four-year coffee productivity project funded by the European Union (EU) through the Kenya Rural Development Programme (KRDP) to promote capacity building in coffee growing counties across Kenya has been launched
Mozambique set for huge rise in macadamia exports
Macadamia nuts producer Valley of Macs is seeking to increase its production in the next three to four years in Mozambique