Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Industry and Commerce initiated a Consignment Based Conformity Assessment (CBCA) programme on 16 March 2015, which is intended to substantially reduce importation of hazardous and substandard products and improve customs duty collection
Processing & Storage
Canadian firm to launch stevia plant in Rwanda
Rwanda has signed an agreement with Canada-based SteviaLife to establish a stevia processing plant in the East African country
Kenya launches coffee branding initiative
Kenya has launched a coffee branding initiative designed to boost its global coffee sales and help the industry regain its position as a top foreign exchange earner
Kenyan farmers get bank loans via storage system
Kenya has launched Warehouse Receipt System (WRS) for farmers, which they could use to get loans of up to 65 per cent of the value of their produce
AGRA opens new grain storage facility in Tanzania
Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and US-based Rockefeller Foundation has launched a new grain storage facility for smallholder farmers in Tanzania