
Processing & Storage

Bunge Loders Croklaan (BLC), Bunge Limited’s specialty oils and fats business, has opened shea butter processing facility in Tema, Ghana, with the launch of the Where Life Grows campaign, which celebrates the company’s efforts to build a resilient and sustainable shea supply chain in Africa

In line with the Coronavirus outbreak, Symaga Silos has activated COVID-19 protocol, following the instructions of the government, to prevent the spread and reduce the health risks of our employees

The global edible insects market is projected to achieve more than 47 per cent CAGR from 2020 to 2026, supported by rising consumer awareness about nutritional benefits of edible insects and willingness to explore new dietary trends, according to Global Market Insights

Symaga started 2020 with the installation of three new projects, consolidating its expansion into the Brazilian market and maintaining the company’s continuous growth in Mexico and Romania, keeping its position as a supplier-of-choice for large storage projects

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